The Parappa The Rapper Prototype

I love Parappa the Rapper. All The Creative Characters, the charm... everything about it is just so colorful, charming, kind, I Love it. Atleast i thought so. On a sunny sunday, my friend got sent a "Parappa The Rapper Prototype" From Sony. It was a VHS tape with the text "PTR PROTOTYPE." I thought it was fake, we both did. For the rest of the day we were doing our own stuff, watching movies, playing Video Games. Fun times. At midnight, we finally put the
We didn't know why Sony left it in there, for someone to find it. The person that sent us the Tape and the instructuons to playing the level, told us we cannot tell you who it is, or the instructions to play the level, we still cant really understand this, why would it be left in there? For what purpose? It's weird, it really is. Both thought it was some kind of "Fan-Game" or "Bootleg" of the original, but the graphic, and everything is just so spot on, that it could actually be real. Well, the person who sent us it, didn't even sent an e-mail to us about it, or that he is gonna send it. There was also a note attached to the tape. It said: "This tape contains footage from a Parappa The Rapper Prototype. Number 2"
At first we didn't bother about it being "Number 2" but a couple weeks ago we've started thinking. "Is there a prototype Number 3? And where in Number 1? Is it lost, forgotten..." We have e-mailed the person who sent us the second prototype. Here is what we send him: "We've been wondering if you could send us footage from the first prototype. Or even, is there a first one? If you could respond we would be really thankful" He never responded since. The footage we have recorded from the gameplay was recorded for a VHS Tape, to send it to the person that has given us instroctions to activate the first level, but we first have dumped the footage on YouTube, we don't think he found out about it, yet. Maybe that's why he stopped responding... but the video would have been removed/Copyright Striked... We don't know anymore. We also asked him 'Why Us" why did we get this. Why not someone else. Like someone who worked at Parappa The Rapper. Or someone who worked at Sony. We're currently in the library, i don't know why but i feel like this library is the same like in that prototype. Blue walls, green floor... The Tape has been sent to the person who sent it to us with a note saying: "Thank you for the prototype, but one more question, why us" I will inform anyone about this if we find out more. If you know anything about this... contact me.

Thanks for reading! The original video has been made by GraalPK On Youtube! So go subscribe to him!